Eternal Arrghs

Race:  Vampire
Coach:  Be_gt
Sailing the frozen north searching for fame and treasure the Eternal Arrghs have decided that it would be easier to find the money on the bloodbowl pitch.

Vampire logo
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Bulletin board from the coach
Mar. 11th, 2024 - old news
Recovering from last seasons highs
So the Arrghs took a match against the new Monster Mash but they got some very stable help from the Star Mr Chaney. So it was a close and tremendously exciting game with lots of turnovers and Vampiric shenanigans.
- Be_gt
Mar. 12th, 2023 - old news
Dratted heat!
The Eternal Arrghs was much more comfortable in playing in the cold it seems.
The first match in the jungles heat with added flames from salmanders was a loss.
In the second match of the day we managed to loose the salamander menace but it wasn't enough, the match ended in a draw but it was at least closer than before.
- Be_gt
Jan. 22nd, 2023 - old news
Icebowl win
The Eternal Arrghs managed to scrape by the skin of their teammates (from their teeth) a win. It was owed at least as much to the Prancing Peacocks inability to stand on their feet as any skill from the beloved vampires.
- Be_gt
Jan. 12th, 2023 - old news
Semi upset
The Eternal Arrghs upset the expected results of the semi final and managed to, in OT, outscore the dreaded Elf-jesters.
- Be_gt
Tournaments played:
Season Three, Season Four, Season Five
Playing in:
Season Six
Trophies won:
Icebowl Chalice: Season Three
The Jungle Bowl Cup: Season Four



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